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San Francisco Bay Area Premier Moving Company | M-S 9 A.M. - 5 P.M.

Moving Tips

1. Book movers 3-4 weeks before the move date.

2. Moves can charge less during weekdays in a mid-month. Movers tend to charge more during the summer months. 

3. Arrange parking at all locations you'll need movers to stop. Consider getting a parking permit from local authorities. For example, in San Francisco, you can find more information here. 

4. Pack boxes by yourself. Check our packing tips here.

5. Have your place as organized as possible; so movers would not spend time clearing your house apartment or house to get access to your furniture. 

6. Do not hire movers without a written quote. Make sure to read each quote carefully and ask questions to make sure that you understand all the charges that could be applied. At Route 66 Moving, we provide clear and simple quotes with no hidden charges!

7. Reserve an elevator if it applies to your situation.

1. Mention your heaviest and bulkiest items.

2. Describe your "terrain" situation at all locations (stairs, walking distance, parking, hills, narrow roads, low-hanging tree branches.

3. Providing photos of your place will help the moving company better estimate your move.

4. If you are flexible with a moving date, mention all the dates that may work. 

5. Let the moving company know if you have any pets. 

1. Pack essentials, including medicine, in a separate box or bag and keep them with you. If you prefer that the movers handle these essentials, ask them to load the box last so it will be unloaded first at your new location.

2. Move items of exceptional value (jewelry, cash, laptops, passports, birth certificates, etc) by yourself.

3. Forward your mail with the USPS and update your address with the DMV.

4. Get some water and snacks for the move date.

5. Get a good night's sleep and wake up at least an hour before the movers are scheduled to arrive.

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